Positive Reflection handle empowers our brain to Reflect and Refocus our vitality. what was my most positive encounter with Amal and this travel get begun? Sometime recently joining the Amal Institute I was not a centered individual and I didn’t indeed know what I have to be do in my life ahead like I had dreams and unclear objectives with no course.

Khurram Asif
6 min readFeb 11, 2021

My life before Amal Career Fellowship:

My life before Amal Career Fellowship was less focused, less specific, less oriented, and with undefined goals. As I was a proficient field in Special protection Unit(SPU)and I can alter our field. My wish I will make a portion of Central Superior Services (CSS or Bureaucracy)before Amal.I actually thought that a degree is enough to get a high ranked job but Amal changed my concepts and made me aware that how much professional skills are important to start a career.

I came to know about one of my childhood friend Amal alumni (Chaudry Arslan Mansha) about Amal fellowship and he inquired me to connect Amal Academy so when Amal Academy’s Application came out I connected for it and got chosen for it and I was so energized for the cooperation and needed to know that what is Amal cooperation actually? And yes my Amal travel get begun and I cannot express my feeling right presently that it was begun with full of excitement and with incredible learning like I know the greatest fear I had open talking like I had no command on talking before individuals and need of certainty. I then searched about it and realized that Amal is such a great opportunity for students like me that even don’t know the of professionalism. I then quickly registered for the Amal career fellowship program.


Stanford University and PepsiCo funded 3-months long professional development program for university students that develop positive changes in their life.

Amal Fellowship gave me


soft skills

Leadership qualities

Communication skills

Growth Mindset

Lifelong learner

Career and professional Development

Teamwork qualities

Amal fellowship lighted a start trust which how can be a lifelong learner in my life through learning something modern regular. I know how flawlessly our mentors changed our settled mentality towards development mentality and i cannot thank you sufficient almost all the learning involvement. Amal fellowship lighted a start trust which how can be a lifelong learner in my life the Amal fellowship lighted a start trust which how can be a life long learner in my life through learning something modern regular. Rough learning something modern regular.

Overall Learning Encounter was extraordinary and i learned a part almost Improvement and professionalism, how to bargain with problem by problem understanding strategies ,Mega projects, Planning superhero resume and how to make organizing to urge a work and much more. fellowship lighted a start trust which how can be a lifelong learner in my life through learning something modern regular. Rough learning something modern regular.

How Amal Academy changed my life?

knowing myself

Leaving Comfortzone




Personal development and growth

superhero resume

Cover Letter

Interview Process

Enterpenureship ideas


Finding your happiness

Going the extra miles

Amazing fellows

Finding job opportunities

One-on-one sessions

Super partner Cover letter

Self-reliance projects

DIY activities

Super star LinkedIn profiles

Mega projects

To Connect Amal Academy is really one of my best choices in my life and is one of the most noteworthy thing i ever found since i learned so numerous things one of best and vital thing around cooperation is where you discover somebody (mentors) who continuously appreciate you and propel you and I can’t “Thank you” sufficient to my extraordinary coaches that what they have done for me It was extraordinary encounter I would recommend each understudy particularly who have done graduation/ Master they must connect the partnership and ought to profit this opportunity in case they have dreams and objectives in their life and need a course to lead them in their life.

Amid the COVID, my encounter of online classes was not great, but the Amal academy sessions were completely diverse. Learning out of boring books was a awesome encounter. Support, inspiration, and a inviting environment, I will never disregard.

Designing Super Hero Resume and a Super Partner Cover letter:

Being a new graduate, I was having no thought almost the Proficient Resume and a Cover letter composing for finding a work. But Amal fellowship instructed me well how to plan a Super Saint Continue and a Super Partner Cover letter to maximize the chances of getting a work

Interviews experience:

Deride interviews were orchestrated for us amid the partnership that gave us an encounter of how to seem in a professional interview and how to reply to the questions inquired by the questioner.

10. Entrepreneurship ideas:

Amid the cooperation we were inquired to come up with different issues confronted by today’s society. For this reason, diverse colleagues came up with blended issues and after that at the conclusion we were alloted a mega extend for working on any of the thoughts displayed by the colleagues and fathoming it as an opportunity of business.


Nowadays when my cooperation travel is almost to conclusion, I can clearly see the contrast between my life some time recently and after the Amal Fellowship. Presently when I see back and interface the specks, I realize how my life has been changed from an youthful and amateurish adaptation of myself to the proficient adaptation. I can see much advancement in my authority, communication, time management as well as other professional abilities.


Based on my individual encounter and learning, I would exceedingly suggest the youthful understudies uncommonly the ones who are within the moment final and last a long time of their degrees to avail this opportunity because it will lead you to your extreme objectives and will improve your proficient and delicate aptitudes that are critical for your proficient life as well as maximizing the chances of frequenting a work for yourself within the future.

The foremost imperative thing I have learnt from the Fellowship is “Everyday may be a Modern Involvement and Each Encounter could be a Learning Stage which construct Certainty and Capacity to Think beyond.”

I learned from Amal also

‘‘To Grin in Inconvenience, Assemble Strengths from Trouble and Develop Courageous by Reflection.’’

Thank You, Amal. Glad to be a portion of the Amal Family

